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Getting to Like featured by Contactually

Happy to say that Getting to Like was featured in the popular Contactually blog, a popular destination for executives building their brands through powerful relationship management. Here’s an excerpt:

Contactually: What role has networking and relationship building played in your career?

Jeremy: Networking is huge. Building strong relationships is incredibly important. I think there was a time where I naively felt that you could just do a great job and you’d get recognized for being a rising star, but the reality is that there are a few billion people out there. Doing a great



Getting to Like Featured in New York Post

Happy to say that Jeremy was featured in the New York Post in conjunction with Getting to Like. This, from the original piece:

More students and alumni should be like Watson, notes Jeremy Goldman, co-author of “Getting to Like,” and tap into resources like professors, career offices and alumni connections. The latter is particularly useful because there’s something in common; conversations begin with a warm lead.

“It makes it much more likely they’ll pick up the phone or return an email. Plus, you have something to talk about to break the ice,” says